This is a follow up from a previous post , where you can set up a Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA from now on) to test Azure WAF to protect your Web Application
Now, I would like to run the DVWA within a container using the Azure Container Service (AKS), where Azure manages your hosted Kubernetes environment
Detail documentation about Azure AKS is here
This assumes you have a machine already provisioned on Azure. In my case I am working on an ubuntu VM
On your ubuntu Build-VM, create a dvwa folder and pull the docker image
Update the Ubuntu packages and install curl and support for repositories over HTTPS in a single step by typing the following in a single line command. When asked if you would like to proceed, respond by typing “y” and pressing enter.
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
Add Docker’s official GPG key by typing the following in a single line command
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
Add Docker’s stable repository to Ubuntu packages list by typing the following in a single line command
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
Update the Ubuntu packages and install Docker engine in a single step by typing the following in a single line command. When asked if you would like to proceed, respond by typing “y” and pressing enter
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt install docker-ce
Now, upgrade the Ubuntu packages to the latest version by typing the following in a single line command. When asked if you would like to proceed, respond by typing “y” and pressing enter
sudo apt-get upgrade
When the command has completed, check the Docker version installed by executing this command
Docker version
Download the dvwa image from docker hub
docker pull vulnerables/web-dvwa
Run docker image on build-VM. If you want your host port and container port on 80,
docker run --rm -it -p 80:80 vulnerables/web-dvwa
You may want to change the host port
Write a dockerfile to expose port 8080
Create your docker image with the dockerfile
Check your docker images
az login
Create your Resource Group:
az group create --name MyDemos-AKS --location westeurope
Create your cluster (by default it will use 3 nodes)
az aks create --name MyDemos-AKS -g MyDemos-RG --generate-ssh-keys --kubernetes-version 1.9.6
Install kubectl:
az aks install-cli
Instruct kubectl to connect to your AKS cluster:
az aks get-credentials --name MyDemos-AKS -g MyDemos-RG
Check you have 3 nodes running:
Kubectl get nodes
Check you are in the current context:
kubectl config current-context
Open Kubernetes dashboard:
Az aks browse -g MyDemos-RG --name MyDemos-AKS
In the Azure Portal, navigate to the ACR you created in Before the hands-on lab. Select Access keys under Settings on the left-hand menu.
On your build VM, login to your ACR with the ACR access keys
docker login [LOGINSERVER] –u [USERNAME] –p [PASSWORD]
Run the following commands to properly tag your images to match your ACR account name.
docker tag vulnerables/web-dvwa [LOGINSERVER]/web-dvwa
push docker image to ACR
docker push [LOGINSERVER]/web-dvwa
In the Azure Portal, navigate to your ACR account, and select Repositories under Services on the left-hand menu.
Assuming you have az installed on your machine. I like to run these commands from my PC, using Virtual Studio Code
Az --version
check the installation of the Kubernetes CLI (kubectl) by running the following command
Kubectl version
Login into your Azure subscription
Az login
Verify that you are connected to the correct subscription with the following command to show your default subscription:
Az account show
If you are not connected to the correct subscription, list your subscriptions and then set the subscription by its id with the following commands
az account list
az account set --subscription {id}
Test that the configuration is correct by running a simple kubectl command to produce a list of nodes:
kubectl get nodes
Tunnel into your AKS cluster: Create an SSH tunnel linking a local port (8001) on your machine to port 80 on the management node of the cluster. Execute the command below replacing the values as follows:
az aks browse --name MyDemos-AKS --resource-group MyDemos-RG
K8s dashboard will be open in our browser
Now we deploy the DVWA web service using the K8s dashboard
Now navigate to your deployments to see the DVWA container is successfully deployed
Any external access to Kubernetes pods requires a load balancer. We will define the DVWA service with the type LoadBalancer in the YAML description, so you can access the web application using the public IP. When you change the type of the service to LoadBalancer, the AKS will create a public-facing load balancer with a public IP address.
Once the service is update you can see the public ip address assigned to the Azure Load Balancer
Now check you can access the application with your browser
The Load Balancer is created as part of the AKS infrastructure in Azure. When we created the AKS cluster, there are 2 RG created (this is done by design): one containing your K8S master controller and another one containing the rest of the infrastructure needed (nodes, load balancers, NSG, Route tables, NIC, Disks, etc)
And we can see there is a Fronted IP configuration with the Public IP address to access the DVWA